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07C5FD8AD79F48EE872588060077C6DC Hearing Summary


Date Mar 15, 2022      
Location Old Supreme Court

SB22-152 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole - Consent Calendar

03:45:11 PM  
The committee recessed.
03:48:20 PM  
The committee came back to order.
03:48:35 PM  
President Fenberg and Senator Jaquez Lewis, bill sponsors, presented Senate Bill 22-152. The bill permits a voter to use the address of a residence that has been destroyed or is uninhabitable as his or her residence for voter registration, if the voter intends to return once the residence is habitable, or to a newly constructed residence.

The bill sponsors responded to committee questions.

03:55:33 PM  
Senator Coleman proceeded
with witness testimony on the bill.
03:55:37 PM  
Caleb Thornton, representing
the Colorado Secretary of State's Office, testified in support of the bill.
Karen Goldman, representing the Colorado Municipal League and Colorado
Municipal Clerks Association, testified in support of the bill. Martha
Tierney, representing America Votes and the Colorado Democratic Party,
testified in support of the bill. Mircalla Wozniak, representing the Boulder
County Clerk & Recorder, testified in support of the bill. The witness
panel responded to committee questions.

04:05:44 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 22-152 to the Committee of the Whole and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Jaquez Lewis
Lee Yes
Simpson Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Jaquez Lewis Yes
Coleman Yes
Final YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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