18ED6C65094E875D872589A30016E4E8 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For SB23-271HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FINANCEDate May 1, 2023 Location HCR 0112 SB23-271 - Referred to House Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/6D811DE1D86B...$File/Attachment D SB280_L.012.pdf?OpenElement Attachment D SB280_L.012.pdf http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/37A0081E87FB...$File/Attachment I Merged Written Testimony SB271.pdf?OpenElement Attachment I Merged Written Testimony SB271.pdf http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf/0/F47145A87F52...$File/Attachment J SB271.pdf?OpenElement Attachment J SB271.pdf 10:10:08 PM The committee took a brief recess. 10:10:30 PM The committee returned to order. 10:13:00 PM Representatives deGruy Kennedy and Snyder, co-prime sponsors, presented Senate Bill 23-271. The bill modifies the regulation of cannabinoids and compounds derived from hemp and marijuana, and requires the Department of Revenue to conduct a feasibility study. Written public testimony about the bill is included as Attachment I. The bill sponsors distributed a fact sheet about the bill (Attachment J). 10:18:43 PM Director Mark Ferrandino, representing the Department of Revenue, testified in support of the bill. 10:22:19 PM Bia Campbell, representing VS Strategies, testified in support of the bill. 10:25:03 PM Mr. Alan Lewis, representing Natural Grocers, testified in support of the bill. 10:27:18 PM Mr. Robert Hoban, representing the Healthy Alternatives Coalition, testified in support of the bill. 10:29:30 PM Ms. Thuy Vu, representing herself, testified in opposition to the bill. 10:34:40 PM Mrs. Hunter Buffington, representing herself, testified to amend the bill. 10:37:17 PM Kara Miller, representing the Marijuana Industry Group, testified to amend the bill. 10:39:32 PM Dr. Lloyd Covens, representing himself, testified to amend the bill. 10:43:19 PM Ms. Veronica Carpio, representing GROW HEMP COLORADO, testified in opposition to the bill. 10:46:24 PM Dawn Reinfeld, representing Blue Rising, testified to amend the bill. 10:51:43 PM Ms. Paula Lyles, representing themself, testified to amend the bill. 10:53:50 PM Mr. Jared Stanley, representing Charlotte's Web, testified to amend the bill. 10:55:35 PM Mrs. Bonny-Jo Peterson, representing the Association of Western Hemp Professionals, testified to amend the bill. 10:58:20 PM Ms. Liz Zukowski, representing Native Roots Cannabis Co., testified to amend the bill. 10:59:56 PM Mr. Kyle Ray, representing Colorado Chromatography Labs, LLC, testified in support of the bill. 11:05:07 PM Darwin Millard, representing himself, testified in a neutral position on the bill. 11:07:39 PM Ms. Sasha Kalcheff-Korn, representing Realm of Caring, testified to amend the bill. 11:14:07 PM The bill sponsors made closing remarks and asked for a favorable recommendation. 11:21:09 PM Motion Refer Senate Bill 23-271 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Snyder Seconded deGruy Kennedy deGruy Kennedy Yes Daugherty Yes Frizell Yes Kipp Yes Lindstedt Yes Marshall Yes Taggart Yes Weinberg Yes Winter T. Yes Joseph Yes Snyder Yes Final YES: 11 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS