6F05B71D6B5878A48725826D0072097E Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2018A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For SB18-228SENATE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATIONDate Apr 12, 2018 Location SCR 352 SB18-228 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole 02:45:38 PM Senator Hill introduced Senate Bill 18-228, concerning school choice. The bill requires that school districts modify open enrollment policies. 02:53:04 PM Michael Clough, Sheridan School District, spoke in opposition to the bill. He responded to questions from the committee. 02:56:36 PM Senator Hill briefly recapped the events of the committee from the preceding 15 minutes for committee members who were absent during that time. 03:03:01 PM Wendy Rubin, Englewood Public Schools, spoke in opposition to the bill. She responded to questions from the committee. 03:07:13 PM Kelly Caufield, Colorado Succeeds, spoke in support of the bill. 03:21:56 PM Ms. Rubin responded to questions from the committee. 03:24:09 PM Ms. Caufield responded to questions from the committee. 03:25:25 PM Ms. Rubin responded to questions from the committee. 03:29:22 PM Mr. Clough responded to questions from the committee. 03:29:47 PM Matt Cook, Colorado Association of School Boards, spoke in opposition to the bill. He responded to questions from the committee. 03:35:24 PM Phil Ross, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill. 03:42:10 PM Senator Hill made closing comments on the merits of the bill. 03:52:00 PM Motion Refer Senate Bill 18-228 to the Committee of the Whole. Moved Hill Seconded Gardner Yes Merrifield No Neville T. Yes Todd No Zenzinger No Priola Yes Hill Yes Final YES: 4 NO: 3 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS