BF285201CA3194E28725882B0072F845 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For HB22-1359HOUSE COMMITTEE ON FINANCEDate Apr 21, 2022 Location HCR 0112 HB22-1359 - Amended, referred to House Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name Attachment$File/Attachment A HB1359_L.001.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A HB1359_L.001.pdf Attachment$File/Attachment B.pdf?OpenElement Attachment B.pdf Attachment$File/Attachment C.pdf?OpenElement Attachment C.pdf Attachment$File/Attachment D.pdf?OpenElement Attachment D.pdf 02:55:52 PM Representatives Bacon and Snyder, co-sponsors, presented House Bill 22-1359. The bill creates a program to provide loan support to certain individuals and households affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. They distributed amendment L.001 (Attachment A) and three letters of support for the bill (Attachments B, C, and D). The sponsors also read further letters of support. 03:06:19 PM Leah Marvin-Riley, representing the Colorado Department of Treasury, testified in support of the bill. 03:07:30 PM Scott Wasserman, representing the Bell Policy Center, testified in support of the bill. 03:09:17 PM Ms. Naomi Amaha, representing the Denver Foundation, testified in support of the bill. 03:13:24 PM Melissa Mejia, representing the Covid-19 Eviction Defense Project, testified in support of the bill. 03:14:33 PM Dr. Barbara Freeman, representing the LaMedichi Savings Clubs, testified in support of the bill. 03:20:35 PM The witness panel responded to questions from the committee. 03:23:34 PM Motion Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment A). Moved Snyder Seconded Michaelson Jenet Benavidez Daugherty Kipp Luck Michaelson Jenet Rich Sandridge Soper Tipper Snyder Bird YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection 03:23:36 PM The bill sponsors made closing remarks and asked for a favorable recommendation. Members of the committee commented about their positions on the bill. 03:30:00 PM Motion Refer House Bill 22-1359, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Snyder Seconded Tipper Benavidez Yes Daugherty Yes Kipp Excused Luck No Michaelson Jenet Yes Rich Excused Sandridge No Soper No Tipper Yes Snyder Yes Bird Yes Final YES: 6 NO: 3 EXC: 2 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS