D6F8CD947FFF05A587258BBD00601AC6 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY PANEL (CONT.)INTERIM COMMITTEE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IMPACT TASK FORCEDate Oct 21, 2024 Location Old State Library Business and Technology Panel (cont.) - Committee Discussion Only 11:29:45 AM Jon Nordmark, Iterate.ai, gave the following presentation: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/entrepreneurship_and_startups_-_iterate.ai_.pdf. The presentation included information on Interplay by Iterate.ai, their partners, how it was made, clients, advances in technology, their generative AI system, potential for generative AI to increase GDP, and the number of AI patents. 11:39:21 AM Liz Giorgi, soona, gave a presentation to the committee. The presentation included information on the use of AI on their platform, generative imagery, logistics, and staffing. Additionally, the presentation continued with information on AI regulation, federal legislation, and the implications of small businesses and AI. 11:44:26 AM Adam Burrows, Range Ventures, gave a presentation to the committee. The presentation included information on the company, Magic School AI, SB 24-205, and concerns about the legislation from small businesses. 11:50:51 AM Luke Swanson, Ibotta, gave a presentation to the committee. The presentation gave information on the company, the use of AI in the company, discrimination legislation, the implications on small and medium sized businesses, potential unintended consequences of SB24-205, and proposed amendments to the bill. 12:00:46 PM The committee asked the panel of presenters questions including information on automated decision systems, disclosure requirements, and how small businesses test AI risk. 12:23:20 PM Questions continued with topics including disclosure requirements, sources of bias in AI, companies that are developing AI in Colorado, and the Rocky Mountain AI Interest Group. 12:52:45 PM Ryan Harkins, Microsoft, gave a presentation to the committee. His presentation included information on Microsoft's AI principals, ethics committee, standards, the implications of SB24-205, obligations to report algorithmic discrimination, and worldwide considerations of AI. 01:03:04 PM Ryan Hagemann, IBM, presented to the task force about the support of governing AI, IBM Integrated Governance process, and recommendations to improve SB24-205. 01:09:18 PM The committee asked the panel of witnesses questions on topics including both companies involvement with advisory committees, the concept of regulatory capture, AI legislation in other states, legislation that may be on the horizon, the notification provision in SB 24-205, and concerns over definitions within the bill.