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E132C0BBE6C358998725897B006B9C26 Hearing Summary


Date Mar 23, 2023      
Location HCR 0107

HB23-1212 - Amended, referred to House Appropriations

01:35:26 PM  

Representatives Leider and Hamrick presented House Bill 23-1212 to the committee, along with amendment L.001 (Attachment A). The bill creates a pilot program in the Department of Labor and Employment to place apprenticeship navigators in two school districts to increase apprenticeship participation among graduating high school students. Written testimony on the bill is included as Attachment B.

01:39:45 PM  
Anna Gerstle, Legislative Council Staff, responded to committee members' questions.
01:44:08 PM  
Representative Hamrick read the testimony of Michelle Zinser, representing Colorado School Counselors Association, in support of the bill. Autumn Brooks, representing Clear Creek School District Re-1, testified in support of the bill. Mark Thompson, representing Southwest Mountain States Regional Council of Carpenters, testified in support of the bill. Kevin Vick, representing Colorado Education Association, testified in support of the bill.
02:04:16 PM  
Vicki Wren, representing Hispanic Contractors of Colorado, testified in support of the bill. Craig Pena, representing One Dream, Many Paths, testified in support of the bill. Jason Wardrip, representing Colorado Building & Construction Trades Council, testified in support of the bill. Katherine Keegan, representing Office of the Future of Work, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, was available to answer committee questions.

02:26:37 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.001
Moved Hamrick
Seconded Pugliese
Michaelson Jenet
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
02:26:38 PM  
Representatives Hamrick and Leider wrapped up their presentation on the bill.

02:33:49 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 23-1212, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Hamrick
Seconded Michaelson Jenet
Bacon Yes
Bradfield Yes
Hamrick Yes
Hartsook No
Lukens Yes
Michaelson Jenet Yes
Pugliese Yes
Wilson Yes
Young Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Final YES: 10   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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