I_JailStandards_2024A 06/27/2024 01:04:35 PM Committee Summary PUBLICSTAFF SUMMARY OF MEETINGINTERIM COMMITTEE LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CONCERNING COLORADO JAIL STANDARDS Date 06/27/2024 Attendance Armagost X Garcia X Gonzales X Van Winkle E Coleman X Amabile X Time 01:04:35 PM to 01:21:08 PM Place SCR 357 This Meeting was called to order by Amabile This Report was prepared by Elizabeth Burger Hearing Items Action Taken hIntroductions and Overview of the Role of the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning Colorado Jail Standards Committee Discussion Only hApproval of Appointments to Jail Standards Advisory Committee Appointments Approved hOther Business Committee Discussion Only Introductions and Overview of the Role of the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning Colorado Jail Standards - Committee Discussion Only 01:06:08 PM Representative Amabile discussed the charge of the Legislative Oversight Committee on Colorado Jail Standards, noting that the committee can carry up to three bills each year. She noted that a focus for the committee is funding for jails. Members of the committee discussed their interest in serving on the committee. Approval of Appointments to Jail Standards Advisory Committee - Appointments Approved 01:10:09 PM Representative Amabile introduced the appointees to the Jail Standards Advisory Committee, noting that both Meghan Baker and Carl Anderson served on the Jail Standards Commission. 01:10:49 PM Motion Appoint Meghan Baker to the Jail Standards Advisory Committee to serve as a representative of a statewide organization that advocates on behalf of people experiencing incarceration Moved Garcia Seconded Armagost Armagost Yes Garcia Yes Gonzales Yes Van Winkle Excused Coleman Yes Amabile Yes YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 01:12:35 PM Motion Appoint Carl Anderson to the Jail Standards Advisory Committee to serve as physical or behavioral health professional with experience working in a jail Moved Garcia Seconded Armagost Armagost Yes Garcia Yes Gonzales Yes Van Winkle Excused Coleman Yes Amabile Yes YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS Other Business - Committee Discussion Only 01:13:00 PM Jack Johnson, Disability Law Colorado, explained that the jail standards are implemented in 2026. He noted that the items in the standards that require funding need to be addressed during the 2025 session. He asked the committee to begin conversations regarding funding for the standards. 01:14:24 PM Elizabeth Burger, Legislative Council Staff, commented on the timeline for requesting and introducing bills. Mr. Johnson discussed the need to coordinate efforts with the Joint Budget Committee and the federal congressional delegation. 01:17:21 PM Rep. Amabile requested that the committee meet in August for the purpose of discussing bill ideas and then in September to formally request bills. 01:21:08 PM The committee adjourned.