s_ed_2017a_2017-02-15t09:50:46z3 Hearing Summary
Date: 02/15/2017
Location: SCR 352
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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12:17 PM -- SB17-103
Senator Merrifield, sponsor, presented Senate Bill 17-103 which concerns the implementation of research-based early learning strategies as corrective actions in the public elementary and secondary education accountability system.
The following people testified on the bill:
12:22 PM -- Bill Jaeger, Vice President of Early Childhood Initiatives for the Colorado Children's Campaign, spoke in support of the bill. He stated that Qualistar Colorado also supports the bill.
12:27 PM -- Lawrence Garcia, representing the Colorado Education Association, spoke in support of the bill.
12:31 PM
Senator Merrifield distributed amendments L.001 (Attachment N) and L.002 (Attachment O). Mr. Jaeger spoke about the amendments and answered questions from the committee.
12:43 PM -- Jen Walmer, representing Democrats for Education Reform, spoke in support of the bill.
12:45 PM -- Lauren Heintz, representing Clayton Early Learning, spoke in support of the bill.
12:47 PM -- Kate Burns, representing herself as a teacher in the St. Vrain Valley School District, spoke in support of the bill. Ms. Burns answered questions from the committee.
12:56 PM
There were no more witnesses and Senator Hill closed public testimony. Senator Hill laid the bill over until Thursday, 2/16.
01:01 PM
The committee adjourned.