Summary of Health Insurance Legislation (2020)
In the 2020 session, the Colorado General Assembly considered measures related to health insurance benefits, reinsurance, the Colorado Option health plan, and Medicaid.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyIn the 2020 session, the Colorado General Assembly considered measures related to health insurance benefits, reinsurance, the Colorado Option health plan, and Medicaid.
Vaccinations offer protection from common infectious diseases. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends specific vaccines for all infants, children, and adults during their lifetime to provide immunity from preventable illness. A recent analysis estimated that...
Individuals convicted of criminal offenses are typically required by the court to pay associated fines, fees, and surcharges. This memorandum provides an overview of the fines and fees that are imposed upon a criminal conviction in Colorado, including those financial obligations that support...
The Legislative Council Staff's Energy Handbook is intended to serve as a reference guide to Colorado's energy sector. The book is divided into five sections. Section I covers the sources and uses of energy in Colorado. Section II explains how severance taxes and federal mineral lease moneys...
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Prison Population Management Interim Study Committee.
This memorandum provides information about the regulation of professions and occupations in Colorado. Over 100 professions and occupations are currently required to be licensed, certified, or registered in Colorado, or are authorized to use an exclusive professional title, known as title...
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly introduced several bills concerning the Judicial Department, civil and criminal courts, and the Department of Corrections (DOC). Following is a recap of the major legislation considered in these subject areas.
The Economic Development Commission (EDC) works jointly with the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) to promote economic development in the state. This issue brief discusses the work of the EDC.
The following are the safety protocols for the First Regular Session of the 73rd General Assembly. These protocols are adopted after consultations with a bi-partisan group of legislators, non-partisan legislative staff, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the National...
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly passed legislation intended to promote economic development in rural areas and to assist businesses in surviving and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.
This memorandum provides an overview of the Colorado unemployment insurance (UI) program, including UI benefits, funding, and solvency in the context of recent economic downturns.
This memo provides an overview of data on income inequality in Colorado and the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by income and other demographic characteristics. This memo uses new sources of publicly available high-frequency data from the U.S. Census Bureau and private companies to...
An overview of the rules and procedures to be followed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Report No. 2021-TE12
During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to agriculture including animal welfare, economic development, the Department of Agriculture, and other agriculture-related bills.
Report No. 2021-TE15
Report No. 2021-TE16
Report No. 2021-TE21
During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures intended to support economic development efforts in the state.
During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several consumer protection measures related to mortgage lenders, online dating services, after‑market airbags, and towing companies.
This memorandum summarizes legislative efforts since 2017 to control prescription drug prices. It includes information on both bills that failed as well as those that became law.
During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly examined a number of measures related to civil law and the courts.
Summary report for the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning the Treatment of Persons with Mental Health Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice System.
The General Assembly adopted several measures during the 2021 legislative session related to health care and insurance.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning the Treatment of Persons with Mental Health Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems.