Finding the Balance, Colorado Society of Anesthesiologists
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its August 1, 2017, meeting.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyPresented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its August 1, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its August 1, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its August 1, 2017 meeting.
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its August 1, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its August 1, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its August 1, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its August 1, 2017, meeting.
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its September 2017 meeting.
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Committee Study Committee at its August 1, 2017 meeting.
Presented to the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee at its September 2017 meeting.
This issue brief addresses the state’s emergency mental health hold procedure, which allows for a person to be involuntarily held for a 72-hour period of treatment and evaluation if he or she appears to have a mental illness and, due to the mental illness, appears to be an imminent danger to...
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee.
During the 2017 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures on environmental matters, public health care issues, and certificates and licenses. The bills and resolutions described below passed and became law, unless otherwise noted.
Pursuant to Section 22-55-104 C.R.S., Legislative Council Staff, in consultation with the State Auditor, the State Treasurer, the Department of Education, the Office of State Planning and Budgeting, and the Joint Budget Committee, is required to conduct a review of the model used to forecast...
This memorandum provides an overview of Colorado’s Medical Aid-in-Dying law, which legalized the practice of prescribing medical aid-in-dying medication to eligible terminally ill patients in Colorado.
2017 Colorado School District Cost of Living Analysis
Legislative Council Staff conducts a study of the cost of living in each school district every two years to update the cost-of-living factors used in the state's school finance funding formula as required by state law. The first study was conducted in 1993, and a study has been...
Introduced House Bill 18-1379
Senate Bill 17-296 amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts in FY 2017-18. The bill was signed by the Governor on June 2, 2017, and became effective on that date. Senate Bill 17-254, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the state aid distributed to...
House Bill 18-1379 amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts in FY 2018‑19. The bill was signed by the Governor on May 24, 2018, and became effective on that date. House Bill 18-1322, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the state aid distributed to...
During the 2018 session, the General Assembly considered bills related to suicide prevention, requests to study public health effects, changes to certificates and databases overseen by the Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), nad other public health-related legislation.
The financing of K-12 public education in Colorado over the past three decades has been affected by three constitutional amendments: the Gallagher Amendment, the TABOR Amendment, and Amendment 23. Combined with the results of key court cases, these amendments have created a complex educational...
This issue brief addresses Colorado’s emergency mental health hold procedure, which allows for an individual to be involuntarily held for a 72‑hour period of treatment and evaluation if he or she appears to have a mental illness and, due to the mental illness, appears to be an imminent...
The Early Childhood and School Readiness Legislative Commission was created pursuant to Section 26-6.5-203, Colorado Revised Statutes. The purpose of this commission is to study issues related to early childhood and school readiness in order to improve the state’s early childhood policies.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the School Start Time Interim Study Committee.