Colorado's Constitutional Spending Limit (2015)
In 1992, voters approved an amendment to the Colorado Constitution — Article X, Section 20 — known as the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR). TABOR limits annual growth in state spending.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyIn 1992, voters approved an amendment to the Colorado Constitution — Article X, Section 20 — known as the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR). TABOR limits annual growth in state spending.
In lieu of issuing bonds, or using another form of long-term debt, the state often uses a form of lease-purchase agreement called certificates of participation (COPs) to finance the construction of its new facilities. A certificate refers to an investor's proportionate interest in the state's...
The General Assembly is required by the Colorado Constitution to establish and maintain a thorough and uniform system of free public schools, where any person between the ages of 6 and 21 may be educated. At the same time, the constitution places control of public school instruction in locally...
This memo discusses the scope of bullying in Colorado schools; summarizes the provisions and programs in Colorado state law related to bullying prevention, including safe school plans and criminal penalties; and provides information on training resources and best practices for preventing...
The federal and state governments each provide tax incentives for landowners who designate their land as a conservation easement, foregoing certain use rights in order to preserve the land in perpetuity. This memorandum provides information on federal and state conservation easement tax...
Academic standards provide a broad outline for what students are expected to know and be able to do at the end of each grade level, and for what students should know in order to be prepared to enter college or the workforce by the time they graduate from high school. In Colorado, academic...
State Highway Fund (SHF), the primary operating fund used by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to manage state transportation projects. The SHF receives revenue from the HighwayUsers Tax Fund (HUTF), various other revenue and fees, federal funds, and the General Fund. Each of...
Final report of the Capital Development Committee for FY 2015-16.
Focus Colorado presents forecasts for the economy and state government revenue through FY 2015-16. Implications of the forecast for the state's General Fund budget and spending limit are described in the report's highlights and executive summary sections. The report is based on current law,...
Colorado’s Enterprise Zone Program was created by the General Assembly in 1986. The program provides state income tax credits to business and individuals for investing in economically distressed areas of the state in an effort to encourage economic development. This issue brief describes the...
Urban renewal provides a set of tools available to local governments to combat slum and blight conditions. This issue brief highlights urban renewal laws and financing in Colorado.
Colorado's Adult Protective Services (APS) system, first established in 1983, protects at-risk adults who, because of mental or physical ability, are unable to obtain services or otherwise protect their own health, safety, and welfare. In response to greater awareness of at-risk populations,...
The senior homestead property tax exemption became available beginning in property tax year 2002, following voter approval of Referendum A in the 2000 General Election. The number of seniors claiming the exemption has grown over time, from 123,326 qualifying seniors in tax year 2002, to 266,538...
Information technology (IT) is used by every state agency to make operations more efficient and services more widely available to the citizens of Colorado. Along with other day-to-day expenses of state government, expenses related to IT are paid through the operating budget in the state's annual...