Sales and Use Tax Simplification Task Force 2019 Final Report
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Sales and Use Tax Task Force.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyFinal Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Sales and Use Tax Task Force.
Tax Expenditure Evaluation Interim Study Committee Summary Report.
Summary Report for the Opioid and Other Substance Abuse Disorders Study Committee.
This issue brief provides an overview of Regional Accountable Entities, organizations responsible for coordinating the physical and behavioral health care of the state’s Medicaid members.
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Interim Study Committee. The purpose of this committee is to study issues relating to opioid and substance use disorders in Colorado and examine potential solutions concerning prevention, intervention,...
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by Colorado Health Insurance Exchange Oversight Committee. The purpose of this committee is to guide Colorado's health insurance exchange, including reviewing the financial and operational plans of the exchange and approving the appointment of the...
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Statewide Health Care Review Committee. The purpose of this committee is to study health care issues that affect Colorado residents throughout the state.
Focus Colorado presents forecasts for the economy and state government revenue through FY 2019-20. Implications of the forecast for the state's General Fund budget and spending limit are described in the report's highlights and executive summary sections. The report is based on current law,...
In place of property taxes, Colorado citizens pay the specific ownership tax (SOT) on their vehicles. This issue brief provides an overview of the SOT, describes how the SOT is calculated, lists the SOT exemptions, and describes its collection and distribution.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Tax Expenditure Evaluation Interim Study Committee.
When Colorado taxpayers file their 2019 income taxes, they will pay tax at a rate of 4.50 percent, rather than the state’s usual 4.63 percent rate. The rate reduction affects state income tax payments by all taxpayers, including individuals, corporations, non-corporate businesses, and other...
A dynamic model attempts to quantify the downstream effects of a policy change throughout the economy. Legislative Council Staff (LCS) does not conduct dynamic modeling, which means that fiscal notes and other analyses are limited to the scope of legislation’s direct impacts and, in...
This memo uses a unique dataset to estimate property taxes levied on the production of oil and gas to answer the following questions...
This memorandum provides information concerning severance taxes in Colorado and eight other western states. The memo provides detailed information on Colorado’s severance tax structure, including estimates for the current value of the ad valorem tax credit and the stripper well exemption. ...
This memorandum provides information on Colorado's mandated health insurance benefits. Table 1, Colorado Health Insurance Mandates, provides a description of current state laws governing insurance benefits. The mandates are listed in the table alphabetically.
Please note that state laws...
Focus Colorado presents forecasts for the economy and state government revenue through FY 2019-20. Implications of the forecast for the state's General Fund budget and spending limit are described in the report's highlights and executive summary sections. The report is based on current law,...
On March 11, 2020, Governor Polis issued Executive Order D 2020 003, declaring a disaster emergency pursuant to state law due to the presence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19). The disaster emergency declaration triggers certain provisions in the Colorado Constitution and state law....
This memorandum provides an overview of how the spread of the coronavirus and associated disease (COVID-19) has prompted insurers, federal and state health organizations, and behavioral and mental health organizations to adopt policies that support and encourage the use of telehealth. ...
This issue brief provides a summary of the federal legislation that was passed in response to the COVID‑19, or coronavirus, public health emergency.
This memorandum provides an overview of temporary changes the Colorado Division of Insurance (DOI) implemented in response to the spread of COVID-19 and associated declaration of a disaster emergency by Governor Polis on March 11, 2020. The DOI in the Department of Regulatory Agencies regulates...
Report No. 2020-TE1
Report No. 2020-TE3
Report No. 2020-TE4
Report No. 2020-TE5
Report No. 2020-TE6