Department of State Strategic Plan Performance Evaluation for Fiscal 2015-16
Presented to the Joint State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee at its December 16, 2016, meeting.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyPresented to the Joint State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee at its December 16, 2016, meeting.
This booklet provides information on the thirteen statewide measures on the November 6, 2018, ballot and on the judges who are on the ballot for retention in your area.
Este cuadernillo proporciona información sobre las trece medidas de la balota del 6 de noviembre de 2018 para todo el estado y sobre los jueces que están en la balota y se presentan para retención en su área.
During the 2018 legislative session, the General Assembly considered bills encouraging economic development in the state; bills relating to disclosures for rental car companies and rates for parts and labor by motor vehicle manufacturers; and bills that continued regulation of mortgage lenders,...
During the 2018 legislative session, the General Assembly considered a number of bills affecting funding for capital construction and the duties of the Capital Development Committee (CDC).
This issue brief provides information on electric utilities in Colorado, and how utilities generate and distribute electricity to Colorado homes and businesses. The issue brief also describes the regulation of investor-owned electric utilities by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).
During the 2018 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures related to state agencies and employees, boards and commissions, the Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association, the General Assembly, the Colorado Open Records Act, and firearms.
In lieu of issuing bonds, or using another form of long-term debt, the state often uses a form of lease-purchase agreement called certificates of participation (COPs) to finance the construction of its new facilities. A certificate refers to an investor's proportionate interest in the state's...
During the 2017 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures related to ballot access, campaign finance, the conduct of elections, initiatives and the ballot information booklet, and local elections.
The Colorado Senate and House of Representatives will not convene on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day.
The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details