Filing Fees, Surcharges, and Costs in Colorado State Courts, Colorado Judicial Branch
This document provides a summary of the most frequently used court filing fees, surcharges, and costs.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyThis document provides a summary of the most frequently used court filing fees, surcharges, and costs.
Crime Classification Guide for Class 1 Petty Offenses
Focus Colorado presents forecasts for the economy and state government revenue through FY 2015-16. Implications of the forecast for the state's General Fund budget and spending limit are described in the report's highlights and executive summary sections. The report is based on current law,...
The state innovative motor vehicle income tax credit is intended to reduce the cost of alternative fuel vehicles and incentivize their purchase. This issue brief describes the tax credit, most recently addressed in House Bill 13-1247, and provides information on how its value is calculated.
The Office of Research and Analysis at Colorado Department of Revenue prepares, every odd-numbered year, a tax profile and expenditure report for the state as required by §39-21-303, C.R.S. This report is to include information identifying and describing tax expenditures administered by the...
Pursuant to House Joint Resolution 13-1019. The purpose of this committee is to examine and make recommendations on current laws, procedures, and practices for the appointment of counsel, advisement of rights, and waivers of counsel for children in juvenile delinquency court.
In the 2013 legislative session, the General Assembly enacted Senate Bill 13-011, the Colorado Civil Union Act. This issue brief summarizes the provisions of the act and discusses other states' laws concerning same-sex marriage and civil unions. A brief explanation of two same-sex marriage cases...
The Office of Research and Analysis at Colorado Department of Revenue prepares, every odd-numbered year, a tax profile and expenditure report for the state as required by §39-21-303, C.R.S. This report is to include information identifying and describing tax expenditures administered by the...
Senate Bill 09-256 amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts for the 2009-10 budget year. Senate Bill 09-259, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the money distributed to school districts. Highlights of funding provided to school districts by the two...
This issue brief provides a brief description of the Colorado Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) and summarizes key provisions of Senate Bill 06-235, which modifies PERA's board of directors and attempts to improve its financial situation. Overall, the bill increases the flow of...
The Office of Research and Analysis at Colorado Department of Revenue prepares, every odd-numbered year, a tax profile and expenditure report for the state as required by §39-21-303, C.R.S. This report is to include information identifying and describing tax expenditures administered by the...