FY 2018-19 Budget In Brief
FY 2018-19 Budget In Brief
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyFY 2018-19 Budget In Brief
This memorandum provides information on intergovernmental transfers of revenue from the state government to Colorado's 64 counties. Data from 2010 show that of $5.0 billion in total county revenue, about $1.3 billion or 25.8 percent came from intergovernmental transfers. The state portion made...
Focus Colorado presents forecasts for the economy and state government revenue through FY 2015-16. Implications of the forecast for the state's General Fund budget and spending limit are described in the report's highlights and executive summary sections. The report is based on current law,...
State Highway Fund (SHF), the primary operating fund used by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to manage state transportation projects. The SHF receives revenue from the HighwayUsers Tax Fund (HUTF), various other revenue and fees, federal funds, and the General Fund. Each of...