Pension Reform Commission Summary Report
Summary report for the Pension Review Commission.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblySummary report for the Pension Review Commission.
An overview memo of the rules and procedures to be followed by the Senate Committee on Education.
An overview of the rules and procedures to be followed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly passed several bills related to the regulation of banks and financial service entities and expanded the authority of the Attorney General to challenge mergers and acquisitions in certain circumstances. In response to the COVID-19...
Information technology (IT) is used by every state agency to make operations more efficient and services more widely available to the citizens of Colorado. Along with other day-to-day expenses of state government, expenses related to IT are paid through the capital construction and
...During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to water, including water demand and conservation, water studies, instream flows, funding for water projects, and other water bills.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Prison Population Management Interim Study Committee.
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures related to its operations, state employees and retirement plans, state agencies and procurement, open records and meetings, and notarization. Several of the bills were in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the...
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures related to parental rights, marriage and adoption, and child welfare.
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to agriculture including industrial hemp; product safety and labeling; pesticides; animal welfare; and price setting.
Article V, Section 1 (7.5), Colorado Constitution, and Section 1-40-124.5, Colorado Revised Statutes, require the Legislative Council Staff to prepare a ballot information booklet prior to each election in which a statewide issue appears on the ballot. The booklet's purpose is to provide voters...
The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details