Date Feb 24, 2023
Location SCR 357
State Historical Fund Grant Agreement - Committee Discussion Only
01:58:05 PM |
Senator Morneno provided
background on the issue of vacating an agreement between the legislative
branch and History Colorado. The agreement provided $1 million in
funding annually for building projects related to the historic preservation
of the Capitol. The committee discussed a proposed letter to the
Executive Committee of the Legislative Council to recommend vacating the
agreement. A copy of a draft letter can by found in Attachment B.
01:58:42 PM |
Senator Moreno wanted feedback from the committee before action by the Executive Committee of Legislative Council.
01:59:39 PM |
Ms. DiPrince talked about the agreement, including future projects for the State Capitol. Currently, History Colorado typically supports 50 percent of the projects where grant applications are submitted.
02:01:42 PM |
Ms. DiPrince provided
a handout (Attachment C), representing a snapshot of how $1 million dollars
in investments from the State Historical Funds is spent.
02:04:18 PM |
Legislative Council
staff provided a handout of remaining historic preservation projects around
the building (Attachment D).
02:04:46 PM |
Ms. DiPrince responded to questions from committee members.
02:05:31 PM |
Ms. Chapman provided
additional information about the projects listed in Attachment D.
02:06:26 PM |
Senator Moreno talked
about the project list identified in Attachment D. He indicated that
these are future projects that may be funded in other ways.
02:09:18 PM |
Ms. DiPrince provided statistical information about the impact of State Historical Fund projects, including $4 billion of indirect economic impacts, 20,000 jobs, and funds provided for projects in all 64 counties, including 60 to 70 percent of projects in rural areas.
02:11:07 PM |
There was a discussion
about the steward of the agreement, the Executive Committee. The
Executive Committee approved suspension of the agreement in 2020.
02:12:46 PM
Motion |
Recommend that the Executive Committee of the Legislative Council vacate the agreement between the Legislative Branch and History Colorado in its entirety. |
Moved |
Lois Court |
Seconded |
Matt Becker |
Maria Garcia Berry |
Excused |
Georgianna Contiguglia |
Dawn DiPrince |
Richard Lee |
Lindstedt |
Excused |
Eric Mandil |
Cindi Markwell |
Moreno |
Excused |
Kurt Morrison |
Danielle Oliveto |
Lois Court |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 3 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |