553C17F787B5F23F87258B77006C1163 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For COMMUNITY PANELINTERIM COMMITTEE CELL PHONE CONNECTIVITY INTERIM STUDY COMMITTEEDate Aug 12, 2024 Location Old State Library Community Panel - Committee Discussion Only 01:40:25 PM Roxi McCormick, representing the Farm Bureau, discussed the impact of cellular service issues on farmers. She explained that farmers often have to carry two phones to stay connected and that emergency weather alerts may not reach farmers in areas with poor cell service. 01:46:20 PM Brett Vernon, representing the Leyden Rock Metropolitan District, discussed the impact that weak cell service has during emergency situations. He also discussed how their community is working to improve cell service. 01:48:34 PM Kris Mattera, Executive Director, Basalt Chamber of Commerce, gave a presentation on wireless coverage concerns in the Roaring Fork Valley and beyond. Their presentation can be found here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/2024_stateofco_cellphonecommittee_pres_08122024.pdf 01:56:42 PM The panelists responded to questions from the committee.