I_TLRC_2024A 09/25/2024 09:19:52 AM Committee Summary PUBLICSTAFF SUMMARY OF MEETINGINTERIM COMMITTEE TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATION REVIEW COMMITTEE Date 09/25/2024 Attendance Boesenecker X Bottoms X Cutter X Exum X Hinrichsen X Jodeh * Lindsay X Mauro X Parenti X Pelton B. * Simpson X Soper X Valdez X Vigil * Weinberg * Winter F. X Froelich X Priola X Time 09:19:52 AM to 03:20:49 PM Place Old State Library This Meeting was called to order by Priola This Report was prepared by Nina Forbes Hearing Items Action Taken hPublic Highway Authority Annual Updates Committee Discussion Only hNational Transportation Funding Overview Committee Discussion Only hRTD Panel Committee Discussion Only hGreenhouse Gas Planning Panel Committee Discussion Only hOffenses Related to Operating a Vehicle Panel Committee Discussion Only hVehicle Safety Recalls Presentation Committee Discussion Only hPublic Testimony Committee Discussion Only hInterim Bill Draft Approval Committee Discussion Only Public Highway Authority Annual Updates - Committee Discussion Only 09:21:36 AM Presentations and handouts for this meeting are available here: https://leg.colorado.gov/content/itlrc2024ascheduleandmeetingmaterials 09:21:37 AM Joe Donahue, John Diak, and Jessica Carson representing E-470, presented to the committee on the history of E-470. 09:43:44 AM Joel Meggers and Pedro Costa, representing the Northwest Parkway Public Highway Authority, gave an overview of the Authority. 10:00:07 AM The committee discussed with the panel on internal quality checks for false plates and false tickets as well as toll use during an emergency. 10:20:50 AM The committee discussed with the panel on customer feedback. 10:33:36 AM The committee discussed the future of toll programs. National Transportation Funding Overview - Committee Discussion Only 10:35:27 AM Doug Shinkle, representing the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) gave an overview of transportation policy across the country. 10:44:05 AM Mr. Shinkle gave an overview of the funding methods across states. 10:44:32 AM Mr. Shinkle discussed RUC fees across the three states that have implemented such systems. He also discussed TNC fees. EV public charging stations fees. RTD Panel - Committee Discussion Only 11:00:48 AM Debra Johnson and Erik Davidson, representing the Regional Transportation District (RTD), gave an overview of RTD to the committee. 11:04:38 AM The panel went over RTD's priorities. 11:08:59 AM The panel went over the finances of RTD. 11:27:56 AM The panel presented a legislative agenda to the committee. 11:35:14 AM The committee discussed ridership with the panel. 11:35:58 AM The committee discussed the proposed legislation with the panel. 11:51:15 AM The committee discussed parking with the panel. 11:52:25 AM Lance Longenbohn, representing the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), presented to the committee on frontline transit jobs. 12:05:59 PM The committee discussed scheduling with Mr. Longenbohn. Greenhouse Gas Planning Panel - Committee Discussion Only 12:47:53 PM Will Toor, representing the Colorado Energy Office, presented to the committee. 12:48:37 PM Mr. Toor went over programs that the Colorado Energy Office has implemented. 12:56:06 PM Mr. Toor went over new actions in the 2023 EV plan. 01:21:08 PM Ean Tafoya, State Director for GreenLatinos, introduced himself and began his presentation on the I-270 expansion and expanded on CDOT's Notice of Intent to begin a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the lack of notice to GreenLatinos. 01:28:47 PM Mr. Tafoya presented on GreenLatinos' asks regarding the I-270 expansion project. Offenses Related to Operating a Vehicle Panel - Committee Discussion Only 01:34:30 PM Arnold Hanuman, Deputy Executive Director of the Colorado District Attorneys' Council, introduced himself and began his presentation regarding House Bill 24-1135 on offenses related to operating a vehicle. 01:40:27 PM Gordon McLaughlin, District Attorney for the 8th Judicial District, further presented on how DAs can prosecute careless driving cases. Specifically on the unit of prosecution. 01:46:52 PM Skyler McKinley, Regional Director of Public Affairs for AAA, presented on moving from spiking traffic deaths to safe mobility for all. He discussed the pandemic's impact on traffic safety from 2020-2023, and state policy measures to reduce speeding. 02:07:39 PM Mr. McKinley responded to questions from the committee. 02:07:52 PM Mr. Hanuman and Mr. McLaughlin answered questions from the committee. Vehicle Safety Recalls Presentation - Committee Discussion Only 02:16:00 PM Nick Steingart, Director of State Affairs for the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, presented on vehicle safety recalls. Mr. Steingart discussed the Vehicle Recall Search Service (VRSS). Chris Freeman, Manager at Stellantis, further presented on the background on vehicle safety recalls, including Colorado-specific unrepaired recall data. Craig Orlan, Director of State and Local Government Affairs for Honda, presented on opportunities for states to help get more recalls addressed. Public Testimony - Committee Discussion Only 02:30:52 PM Jimmy Reed, Department of Revenue, testified in support of TLRC Bill 3. Richard Bamber, representing Greater Denver Transit, testified in support of TLRC Bill 5. 02:37:06 PM Anita Seitz, representing CC4CA, testified in support of TLRC Bill 4, Bill 2, and Bill 1. Jean Lim, representing Broomfield City Council, testified in support of Bill 2 and 4. John Clark, representing the Town of Ridgeway and CC4CA, testified in support of Bill 4. June Churchill, representing themself, testified in support of Bills 2, 4, and 6. Interim Bill Draft Approval - Committee Discussion Only 02:53:50 PM Bills and fiscal notes are available here: https://leg.colorado.gov/content/itlrc2024alegislation 02:55:41 PM Senator Priola withdrew Bill 1 from consideration. Senator Winter moved Bill 2. Senator Pelton moved Amendment 1 to Bill 2. Bill 2 will originate in the Senate and will be sponsored by Senator Winter and Senator Hinrichsen. 03:00:36 PM Motion Amendment 1 to Bill 2 Moved Pelton B. Seconded Boesenecker No Bottoms Yes Cutter No Exum Yes Hinrichsen No Jodeh No Lindsay No Mauro No Parenti No Pelton B. Yes Simpson Yes Soper Yes Valdez No Vigil No Weinberg Excused Winter F. No Froelich No Priola No YES: 5 NO: 12 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: FAIL 03:01:38 PM Motion Bill 2 Moved Winter F. Seconded Boesenecker Yes Bottoms No Cutter Yes Exum Yes Hinrichsen Yes Jodeh Yes Lindsay Yes Mauro Yes Parenti Yes Pelton B. No Simpson No Soper No Valdez Yes Vigil Yes Weinberg Excused Winter F. Yes Froelich Yes Priola Yes YES: 13 NO: 4 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 03:04:00 PM Representative Boesenecker explained Bill 3. 03:04:57 PM Motion Bill 3 Moved Boesenecker Seconded Boesenecker Yes Bottoms Yes Cutter Yes Exum Yes Hinrichsen Yes Jodeh Yes Lindsay Yes Mauro Yes Parenti Yes Pelton B. Yes Simpson Yes Soper Yes Valdez Yes Vigil Yes Weinberg Excused Winter F. Yes Froelich Yes Priola Yes YES: 17 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 03:05:05 PM Bill 3 will be sponsored by Representatives Boesenecker and Lindsay and start in House. 03:06:34 PM Representative Boesenecker explained Bill 4. Senator Simpson and Senator Pelton made comments on the bill. Senator Winter gave comments. Rep Soper also gave comments. Representatives Boesenecker and Vigil will be the prime sponsosr and the bill will start in House. Senators Winter and Cutter will be sponsors. 03:10:32 PM Motion Bill 4 Moved Boesenecker Seconded Boesenecker Yes Bottoms No Cutter Yes Exum Yes Hinrichsen Yes Jodeh Yes Lindsay Yes Mauro Yes Parenti No Pelton B. No Simpson No Soper No Valdez Yes Vigil Yes Weinberg Excused Winter F. Yes Froelich Yes Priola Yes YES: 12 NO: 5 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 03:11:33 PM Senator Winter explained bill 5. Senators Winter and Hinrichsen will be prime sponsor and the bill will start in senate Represenatives Valdez and and Lindsay will be sponsors in the House. 03:13:30 PM Motion Bill 5 Moved Winter F. Seconded Boesenecker Yes Bottoms Yes Cutter Yes Exum Yes Hinrichsen Yes Jodeh Yes Lindsay Yes Mauro Yes Parenti Yes Pelton B. No Simpson Yes Soper Yes Valdez Yes Vigil Yes Weinberg Excused Winter F. Yes Froelich Yes Priola Yes YES: 16 NO: 1 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 03:15:44 PM Motion Amendment 1 to Bill 6 Moved Froelich Seconded Boesenecker Bottoms Cutter Exum Hinrichsen Jodeh Lindsay Mauro Parenti Pelton B. Simpson Soper Valdez Vigil Weinberg Excused Winter F. Froelich Priola YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection 03:17:00 PM Motion Bill 6 Moved Froelich Seconded Boesenecker Yes Bottoms Yes Cutter Yes Exum Yes Hinrichsen Yes Jodeh Yes Lindsay Yes Mauro Yes Parenti Yes Pelton B. No Simpson Yes Soper No Valdez Yes Vigil Yes Weinberg Excused Winter F. Yes Froelich Yes Priola Yes YES: 15 NO: 2 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 03:17:03 PM Representative Froelich, Representative Valdez, Senator Simpson, and Senator Winter will be the prime sponsors of Bill 6. Representative Mauro, Representative Vigil, Representative Boesenecker, Representative Lindsay, Representative Jodeh, and Representative Soper will be co-sponsors. 03:20:49 PM The committee adjourned.