J_COPT_2024A 08/23/2024 10:06:57 AM Committee Summary PUBLICSTAFF SUMMARY OF MEETINGJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON COMMISSION ON PROPERTY TAX Date 08/23/2024 Attendance Baisley X Jonathan Cappelli * Guyleen Castriotta X Cody Davis X Brenda Dones X Frizell X Loren Furman X JoAnn Groff X Larry Hotz X Brett Johnson X Lori Laske X Lindstedt X George Marlin X Bob Olme X Chris Richardson X Ann Terry X Kevin Vick X Andy Kerr (Vice Chair) X Hansen X Time 10:06:57 AM to 01:21:51 PM Place Old State Library This Meeting was called to order by Hansen This Report was prepared by Adam Alemzada Hearing Items Action Taken hPresentation from Colorado Assessors Association Committee Discussion Only hDiscussion and Recommendations on Potential Legislation Committee Discussion Only 10:07:08 AM Senator Hansen, Chair, gave opening remarks. Presentation from Colorado Assessors Association - Committee Discussion Only 10:09:46 AM Keith Erffmeyer, Denver County Assessor, and Brenda Dones, Weld County Assessor, presented to the commission. They discussed the concerns assessors have with recent and proposed property tax legislation. 10:41:02 AM The panelists responded to questions from the commission. 10:47:25 AM Commission members discussed the impact of potential legislation on county assessors. Discussion and Recommendations on Potential Legislation - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment A http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf/0/62A242A77B9C...$File/Attachment A - 24B-0011.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A - 24B-0011.pdf Attachment B http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf/0/DDD17DE68290...$File/Attachment B - Colorado State Fire Chiefs.pdf?OpenElement Attachment B - Colorado State Fire Chiefs.pdf Attachment C http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf/0/B71F10F9400A...$File/Attachment C - Homestead Adjustments - Overview.pdf?OpenElement Attachment C - Homestead Adjustments - Overview.pdf 11:08:55 AM Trace Faust and Renny Fagan, Keystone Policy Group, facilitated a discussion regarding the proposed property tax legislation draft (Attachment A). 11:12:32 AM The commission recessed to review changes to the proposed property tax legislation draft. 11:19:25 AM The commission reconvened. 11:19:45 AM Pierce Lively, Office of Legislative Legal Services, explained the changes made to the proposed property tax legislation draft. 11:42:27 AM Commission members continued to discuss the proposed property tax legislation draft. Bob Olme distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment B). 12:39:00 PM The commission recessed. 12:41:02 PM The commission reconvened. 12:41:12 PM Commission members discussed other potential legislation ideas and drafts (Attachment C). 01:21:11 PM Senator Hansen gave closing comments. 01:21:51 PM The committee adjourned.