Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol (2016)
This issue brief discusses the various offenses related to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Colorado, and their associated criminal and administrative penalties.
Second Regular Session | 74th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyThis issue brief discusses the various offenses related to driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Colorado, and their associated criminal and administrative penalties.
This memorandum provides information on Colorado law related to nonfatal strangulation and information on the laws in states in which nonfatal strangulation is a felony. While Colorado statutes do not specifically address strangulation, other criminal statutes may apply. This memorandum also...
This booklet provides information on the nine statewide measures on the November 8, 2016, ballot and on the judges who are on the ballot for retention in your area.
Este cuadernillo proporciona información sobre las nueve medidas de la balota del 8 de noviembre de 2016 para todo el estado y sobre los jueces que están en la balota y se presentan para retención en su área.
En nuestro trabajo, todos merecemos ser juzgados por nuestras capacidades y nuestro desempeño. Los jueces no son distintos. Así que nuestro estado creó un proceso para evaluar con justicia el trabajo de cada juez e informárselo a usted. Así usted podrá tomar una decisión informada cuando vote....
Statutory Provisions Governing the Preparation of Fiscal Impact Statements for Statewide Ballot Measures
La Enmienda T elimina texto que actualmente permite que se use la esclavitud y servidumbre involuntaria como castigo tras ser condenado por un crimen.
Crime Classification Guide for Class 5 Felonies
Crime Classification Guide for Class 6 Felonies
Crime Classification Guide 2014 - Elections
This section lists all class 1 through class 6 felonies, level 1 through 4 drug felonies, class 1 through class 3 misdemeanors, level 1 and level 2 drug misdemeanors, and class 1 and class 2 misdemeanor traffic offenses by category of crime. The categories correspond to the headings of the 43...
Crime Classification Guide for Unclassified Felonies
Crime Classification Guide for Class 1 Misdemeanors
Crime Classification Guide for Class 2 Misdemeanors
Crime Classification Guide for Class 3 Misdemeanors
This section contains a current listing of misdemeanor offenses. Misdemeanor offenses are categorized as follows: class 1, class 2, class 3, and unclassified misdemeanors. The penalty for the commission of a misdemeanor offense depends on its classification. The penalty scheme for misdemeanors...
Crime Classification Guide for Class 1 Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses
Crime Classification Guide for Class 2 Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses
This section contains a current listing of misdemeanor traffic offenses. Misdemeanor traffic offenses have two categories: class 1 and class 2. There are also five unclassified misdemeanor traffic offenses. The penalty scheme for misdemeanor traffic offenses is indicated in Table 5. In addition...
Crime Classification Guide for Unclassified Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses
Crime Classification Guide for Unclassified Misdemeanors
Crime Classification Guide for Class 1 Petty Offenses
Crime Classification Guide for Class 2 Petty Offenses
This section contains a current listing of petty offenses. Petty offenses have two categories: class 1 and class 2. There are four unclassified petty offenses listed at the end of the class 1 and class 2 petty offenses.
Crime Classification Guide for Class A Traffic Infractions