Estimated Value of School Finance Factors, Including Negative Factor, FY 2015-16
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Reengrossed Senate Bill 15-267 FY 2015-16 Compared with FY 2014-15
Senate Bill 15-267 as Introduced by the General Assembly
FY 2015-16 Compared with FY 2014-15
Overview of the State Education Fund and K-12 Public School Funding
Overview of the State Education Fund and K-12 Public School Funding
Joint Education Committee
The quality and affordability of child care and early childhood education (ECE) are key concerns for parents and policymakers alike. Whether daycare, preschool, or another setting, child care and ECE allow parents to remain in the workforce and improve the school readiness of children. This...
K-12 funding rankings are of perpetual interest to legislators, educators, parents, and the general public because they provide a measure to evaluate where Colorado stands nationally on education funding. However, rankings can also result in confusion because of data differences and metrics used...
Section 1332 of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) allows a state to apply for a state innovation waiver to pursue innovative strategies for providing its residents with access to high-quality, affordable health insurance while still retaining certain elements of the...
Colorado currently administers 11 Home- and Community-Based Services Medicaid (HCBS) Waivers. This issue brief discusses the five waivers available to children. An issue brief entitled Medicaid Waiver Programs Part II – Home- and Community-Based Services Medicaid Waivers for Adults discusses the...
The “negative factor” is a provision in state law that reduces the amount of total program funding and state aid provided to K-12 school districts. This issue brief discusses how the negative factor is applied in the School Finance Act (SFA), gives a short history of school finance leading to...
House Bill 16-1422 amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts in FY 2016-17. The bill was signed by the Governor on June 10, 2016, and became effective on that date. House Bill 16-1405, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the state aid distributed to...
Senate Bill 15-267 amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts in FY 2015-16. The bill was signed by the Governor on June 5, 2015, and became effective on that date. Senate Bill 15-234, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the state aid distributed to...
House Bill 14-1292 and House Bill 14-1298 amend the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts in FY 2014-15. The bills were signed by the Governor on May 21, 2014, and became effective on that date. House Bill 14-1336, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the...
The school finance bill, Senate Bill 13-260, amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts in FY 2013-14. The bill was signed by the Governor on May 18, 2013, and became effective on that date. Senate Bill 13-230, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the...
House Bill 12-1345 amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts in FY 2012-13. The bill was signed by the Governor on May 19, 2012, and became effective on that date. House Bill 12-1335, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the money distributed to school...
Senate Bill 11-230 amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts in FY 2011-12. The bill was signed by the Governor on June 9, 2011, and became effective on that date. Senate Bill 11-209, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the money distributed to school...
House Bill 10-1369 amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts for the 2010-11 budget year. House Bill 10-1376, the "long bill," appropriates most of the money distributed to school districts. Highlights of funding provided to school districts by the two...
Senate Bill 09-256 amends the Public School Finance Act of 1994 to provide funding for school districts for the 2009-10 budget year. Senate Bill 09-259, the "Long Bill," appropriates most of the money distributed to school districts. Highlights of funding provided to school districts by the two...
State funding for K-12 public schools is a conglomeration of money allocated through the funding formula in the school finance act, categorical programs, and a variety of other specific-purpose programs. This memorandum summarizes the annual school finance bill, House Bill 08-1388. Highlights of...
The model developed by the Pacey Economics Group in February 2001 was updated to reflect actual data for the current budget year and Legislative Council Staff's December 2006 revenue forecast. The result in the short term is projected state aid costs that are higher than revenue changes,...
Assumptions in the model: The model was updated to reflect actual data for the current budget year and the Legislative Council Staff December 2005 revenue forecast. The result in the short term is higher state aid costs and diversions to the State Education Fund. Higher projections for federal...
Legislative Council Staff conducts a study of the cost of living in each school district every two years, as required by state law. The results of the 2015 study indicate that the cost of living, adjusted by where employees live, increased in 177 of the 178 school districts in the state. In 137...
2015 Colorado School District Cost of Living Analysis
The forecast for the State Education Fund and the level of General Fund appropriations necessary to meet the funding requirements of Amendment 23 is significantly changed from when the General Assembly adjourned in May 2008. The upheaval in the economy is affecting forecasts for property values...
The forecast for the State Education Fund and the level of General Fund appropriations necessary to meet the funding requirements of Amendment 23 have changed from when the General Assembly adjourned in May 2009. The ongoing economic recession is affecting forecasts for property values and...