Water Resources Review Committee Summary Report
Summary Report for the Water Resources Review Committee to the Legislative Council. The Water Resources Review...
Broadband Internet Services in Colorado
This memorandum provides an overview of broadband internet service programs in Colorado, including the Colorado High Cost Support Mechanism; state grant programs and...
Wildfire Matters Review Committee Final Report
The committee was created pursuant to Part 16 of Article 3 of Title 2, Colorado Revised Statutes. The purpose of this committee is to oversee and review the prevention, mitigation, and financing of wildfire matters in Colorado.
2018 Joint Technology Committee Final Report
The purpose of the Joint Technology Committee (JTC) final report is to provide annual and historical information on the information technology (IT) capital budget request process. The 2018 final report provides a complete summary of all IT capital construction appropriations during the 2018...
2018 State Water Policy Handbook Update
This handbook was created to help members of the House Agriculture, Livestock, and Natural Resources Committee, Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources and Energy Committee, the interim Water Resources Review Committee, and other legislators to better understand Colorado's water policies and...
Telecommunications & Information Technology Major Legislation 2019
During the 2019 legislative session, the General Assembly considered a variety of issues related to telecommunications and information technology (IT), including blockchain technology, broadband, and new requirements for the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT).
Natural Resources and Environment
During the 2019 legislative session, the General Assembly considered a variety of measures related to climate change, land conservation, wildfires, and other issues related to environmental protection.
Natural Resources and Environment
During the 2019 legislative session, the General Assembly considered a variety of measures related to climate change, land conservation, wildfires, and other issues related to environmental protection.
Single-Use Plastics Legislation (19-12)
This issue brief describes single-use plastics, current Colorado law, proposed legislation in Colorado that would have addressed single-use plastics, and other states that have enacted single-use plastics legislation.
Overview of 5G Technology
This memorandum provides background on 5G technology, an overview of the current regulations governing wireless service facilities and radio frequency (RF) transmissions, and the current scientific evidence of the health effects of exposure to RF transmissions.
Blockchain Technology (19-16)
This issue brief discusses the history of blockchain technology, its current and future applications, and recently proposed Colorado legislation related to this technology.
Water Resources Review Committee Summary Report
Summary Report for the Water Resources Review Committee to the Legislative Council.
Zero Waste and Recycling Interim Study Committee Summary Report
Summary report for the Zero Waste and Recycling Interim Study Committee.
Procedures for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reports
This memorandum memorializes the process for requesting and preparing greenhouse gas emissions reports (reports) pursuant to Section 2-2-322.3, C.R.S. It outlines the number of reports per session, the process for requesting reports, the preparation and timing of reports, and the preparation of...
Procedures for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reports Request Form
Procedures for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reports Form
2019 Zero Waste and Recycling Interim Study Committee Final Report
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Zero Waste and Recycling Interim Study Committee. The purpose of this committee is to study waste and recycling infrastructure, composting, and public awareness of moving toward zero waste in Colorado.
Water Resources Review Committee 2019 Final Report
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Water Resources Review Committee. The purpose of this committee is to oversee the conservation, use, development, and financing of Colorado's water resources.
Wildfire Matters Review Committee 2019 Final Report
Final report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Wildfire Matters Review Committee. The purpose of this committee is to oversee and review the prevention, mitigation, and financing of wildfire matters in Colorado.
Broadband Internet Service Programs in Colorado
This memorandum provides an overview of broadband internet service programs in Colorado, including the Colorado High Cost Support Mechanism; state grant programs and other state programs; the ability of local governments to provide broadband; and related recent legislation.This memorandum...
The Role of Colorado's Forests in Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
This memorandum provides information regarding programs in Colorado that address deforestation and forest degradation, and the role that forests can play in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
2020 Joint Technology Committee Final Report
The purpose of the JTC final report is to provide annual and historical information on the information technology (IT) capital budget request process. The 2020 final report provides a complete summary of all IT capital construction appropriations during the 2020...
Property Taxes on Oil and Natural Gas Property
This memo uses a unique dataset to estimate property taxes levied on the production of oil and gas to answer the following questions...
Energy Infrastructure Security (20-04)
This issue brief provides an overview of critical infrastructure, discusses a 2019 cyberattack on the U.S. electrical grid, and summarizes state and federal legislation addressing security for critical infrastructure.