Smart Government Act
The State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent Government Act (SMART Act) was adopted in 2010 by House Bill 10-1119. This bill...
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyThe State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive, and Transparent Government Act (SMART Act) was adopted in 2010 by House Bill 10-1119. This bill...
Submitted herewith is the final report of the American Indian Affairs Interim Study Committee. This committee was created pursuant to Interim Committee Request Letter 2024-003. The purpose of this committee is to build better relationships between American Indian communities and the legislative...
2025 Fiscal Note Staff Assignments by Subject Area.
This memorandum is intended for use by policymakers, legislative drafters, and budget analysts to understand the different funding mechanisms that may be used in legislation. It describes how different funding mechanisms in legislation impact the state budget and how they are shown in fiscal...
Legislative committees are a very important part of Colorado's legislative process. At a legislative committee hearing, citizens have an opportunity to express their views and have them incorporated into the official legislative record. In Colorado, every bill receives a public hearing by one of...
Homelessness affects thousands of individuals and families across Colorado. Among U.S. states, Colorado has the 8th highest number of residents experiencing homelessness. This memorandum describes the scope of homelessness in the state and provides an overview of the programs and resources...
During the 2024 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several bills concerning elections, including changes to the conduct of elections, penalties and complaints, ballot access, and voting.
Fiscal notes estimate the fiscal impact of legislation, including revenue impacts, state expenditures, and appropriations required. However, fiscal notes are decision-making tools for legislators, and the General Assembly is ultimately responsible for making appropriations and setting aside the...