Summary of Public Health Legislation (2020)
During the 2020 session, the General Assembly considered bills related to immunizations, food safety, chemical and consumer safety, substance use disorders, and paid sick leave.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyDuring the 2020 session, the General Assembly considered bills related to immunizations, food safety, chemical and consumer safety, substance use disorders, and paid sick leave.
In the 2020 session, the Colorado General Assembly considered measures related to the regulation of health care facilities, behavioral health and substance use, prescription drug costs, and abortion.
In the 2020 session, the Colorado General Assembly considered measures related to health insurance benefits, reinsurance, the Colorado Option health plan, and Medicaid.
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures related to parental rights, marriage and adoption, and child welfare.
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly considered measures related to its operations, state employees and retirement plans, state agencies and procurement, open records and meetings, and notarization. Several of the bills were in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the...
Vaccinations offer protection from common infectious diseases. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends specific vaccines for all infants, children, and adults during their lifetime to provide immunity from preventable illness. A recent analysis estimated that...
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Prison Population Management Interim Study Committee.
This memorandum provides instructions and deadlines for interested parties to submit fiscal information for consideration by Legislative Council Staff, outlines the process for filing a motion for a rehearing before the Title Board if there are objections to the fiscal summary prepared by LCS,...
During the 2020 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to water, including water demand and conservation, water studies, instream flows, funding for water projects, and other water bills.
Information technology (IT) is used by every state agency to make operations more efficient and services more widely available to the citizens of Colorado. Along with other day-to-day expenses of state government, expenses related to IT are paid through the capital construction and
...The following are the safety protocols for the First Regular Session of the 73rd General Assembly. These protocols are adopted after consultations with a bi-partisan group of legislators, non-partisan legislative staff, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the National...
An overview of the rules and procedures to be followed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
An overview memo of the rules and procedures to be followed by the Senate Committee on Education.
Article V, Section 1 (7.5), Colorado Constitution, and Section 1-40-124.5, Colorado Revised Statutes, require the Legislative Council Staff to prepare a ballot information booklet prior to each election in which a statewide issue appears on the ballot. The booklet's purpose is to provide voters...
During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to children and domestic matters, including foster care, child care, and child welfare.
This memorandum summarizes the policies and procedures for committees meeting during the 2021 legislative interim.
This memorandum summarizes legislative efforts since 2017 to control prescription drug prices. It includes information on both bills that failed as well as those that became law.
During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly examined a number of measures related to civil law and the courts.
Summary report for the Colorado Youth Advisory Council Review Committee (COYAC).
Summary report for the Pension Review Commission.
Summary report for the Transportation Legislation Review Committee.
Pursuant to state law (Section 26-6.5-203, C.R.S.), the Early Childhood and School Readiness Legislative Commission (ECSRLC) may meet up to four times per year to study issues concerning early childhood and school readiness.
Summary report for the Water Resources Review Committee.
Summary report for the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning the Treatment of Persons with Mental Health Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice System.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Pension Review Commission and Pension Review Subcommittee.