Solar Garden Net Metering Credits Stabilization
Current law requires an electric retail utility (utility) to offer a net metering credit as the means of purchasing output from a community solar garden (CSG) located within the utility's service territory and establishes the means of calculating the net metering credit. The act maintains that calculation if the CSG indicates to the utility that the CSG's subscribers' bill credits change annually. However, if the CSG indicates to the utility that the CSG's subscribers' bill credits remain fixed, the act provides a different calculation for determining the net metering credit. The public utilities commission shall allow a utility to recover costs incurred in implementing and maintaining the net metering credit billing systems.
APPROVED by Governor April 17, 2023
EFFECTIVE August 7, 2023
NOTE: This act was passed without a safety clause and takes effect 90 days after sine die.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)