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S_BLT_2021A 03/17/2021 01:34:13 PM Committee Summary

Date 03/17/2021
Coleman X
Kolker X
Liston X
Priola X
Woodward X
Danielson *
Rodriguez X
Time 01:34:13 PM to 07:06:05 PM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Rodriguez
This Report was prepared by Jeanette Chapman
Hearing Items Action Taken
SB21-127 Postponed Indefinitely
Conf 21-Mortgage Loan Originators — Board Of Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar
Conf 21-Banking Board Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar
SB21-077 Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole
SB21-087 Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations

SB21-127 - Postponed Indefinitely

01:34:43 PM  
Senator Ginal introduced SB 21-127 concerning rules related to health care professions during a disaster emergency. She asked the committee to postpone indefinitely the bill.

01:40:33 PM
Motion Postpone Senate Bill 21-127 indefinitely.
Moved Coleman
Coleman Yes
Kolker Yes
Liston Yes
Priola Yes
Woodward Yes
Danielson Excused
Rodriguez Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Conf 21-Mortgage Loan Originators — Board Of - Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar

01:41:10 PM  
Cynthia Emerine, Dena Falbo, and Jennifer Heinrich, appointees to the Board of Mortgage Loan Originators, came to the table. The appointment letter is Attachment A. Their applications and resumes are available at the State Archives. The appointees discussed their professional experience and interest related to the board.

01:47:03 PM
Motion Refer the appointment of Cynthia "Cindy" Emerine, Dena Falbo, Jennifer Heinrich to the Board of Mortgage Loan Originators to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Coleman
Coleman Yes
Kolker Yes
Liston Yes
Priola Yes
Woodward Yes
Danielson Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Conf 21-Banking Board - Favorably Refer to Full Senate - Consent Calendar

01:47:57 PM  
Jonathan Fox, appointee
to the Colorado Banking Board, came to the table.  The appointment
letter may be found in Attachment B.  His application and resume is
available at the State Archives.  Mr. Fox discussed his professional
experience and his interest in serving on the board.

01:49:56 PM
Motion Refer the appointment of Jonathan Fox to the Banking Board to the full Senate with a favorable recommendation and with a recommendation that it be placed on the consent calendar.
Moved Coleman
Coleman Yes
Kolker Yes
Liston Yes
Priola Yes
Woodward Yes
Danielson Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB21-077 - Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole

01:50:32 PM  
Senator Gonzales
introduced Senate Bill 21-077 concerning lawful presence credentialing.
 The bill specifies that a verification of lawful presence is not
required of an applicant for a license, certificate, or registration to
practice a regulated profession.  She distributed Amendments L.001
and L.002  to the committee (Attachments C and D).  Senator Gonzales
responded to questions from the committee.

01:51:34 PM  
Patty Salazar, Executive Director, Department of Regulatory Agencies, spoke in favor of the bill.
01:57:18 PM  
Meghan MacKillop,
Colorado Municipal League, spoke about the bill from an amend position.
01:58:05 PM  
Karen Nunez, representing herself, spoke in favor of the bill.
01:58:53 PM  
Duvia Ortega, representing herself, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:02:37 PM  
Jose Lopez-Nava, representing himself, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:07:12 PM  
Lorena Garcia, Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:14:22 PM  
Valentina Pons, representing
herself, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:15:10 PM  
Stephanie Beltran, representing herself, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:19:13 PM  
Carin Rosa, Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Early Childhood, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:19:43 PM  
Deysi De Luna, Colorado Jobs with Justice, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:20:35 PM  
Brittany Vessely, Colorado Catholic Conference, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:23:30 PM  
Christine Hernandez, Colorado Hispanic Bar Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
02:26:49 PM  
Michael Nicoletti,
Department of Regulatory Agencies, spoke in favor of the bill.  He
discussed the purpose of Amendment L.001 (Attachment C and L.002 (Attachment
D).  He responded to questions from the committee.

02:26:50 PM  
Additional written
testimony may be found in Attachment E.
02:33:42 PM  
Senator Gonzales responded to questions from the committee.

02:39:16 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.001
Moved Danielson
Coleman Yes
Kolker Yes
Liston No
Priola No
Woodward No
Danielson Yes
Rodriguez Yes
YES: 4   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

02:39:45 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.002
Moved Danielson
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
02:40:50 PM  
Senator Gonzales made closing comments on the merits of the bill.
02:41:20 PM  
Senator Priola made closing comments on the merits of the bill.
02:41:39 PM  
Senator Rodriguez made closing comments on the merits of the bill.

02:42:44 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 21-077, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Danielson
Coleman Yes
Kolker Yes
Liston No
Priola Yes
Woodward No
Danielson Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Final YES: 5   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

SB21-087 - Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations

02:43:17 PM  
The committee took a recess.
02:46:52 PM  
The committee came back to order.
02:57:04 PM  
Senator Danielson
introduced Senate Bill 21-087, concerning agricultural workers' rights
to organize.  She distributed Amendments L.006, L.007, L.008, and
L.009 (Attachments F, G, H and I) to the committee.
02:58:42 PM  
Jennifer Rodriguez,
Colorado Legal Services, spoke in favor of the bill.
03:07:29 PM  
Dennis Dougherty, Colorado AFL-CIO, spoke in favor of the bill. He provided a packet of materials to the committee.
03:12:37 PM  
Damien Thompson, Project Protect, spoke in favor of the bill.
03:13:27 PM  
Melanie Kesner, Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, spoke in favor of the bill.
03:15:39 PM  
Ricardo Perez, Hispanic Affairs Project, spoke in favor of the bill.
03:17:54 PM  
Anita Rodriguez, Project Protect, spoke in favor of the bill.
03:20:32 PM  
Soraya Leon, Project Protect, spoke in favor of the bill in Spanish. Ms. Jazmin Beltran translated her testimony.
03:30:51 PM  
Elvira Munguia, Project Protect, spoke in favor of the bill in Spanish. Ms. Beltran provided English translation of her testimony.
03:32:03 PM  
Dolores Del Campo, Project Protect, spoke in favor of the bill in Spanish. Ms. Beltran provided English translation of her testimony.
03:36:51 PM  
Princilla Ramirez, Project Protect, spoke in favor of the bill in Spanish. Ms. Beltran provided an English translation of her testimony.
03:42:33 PM  
Angel Mendez, Hispanic Affairs Project, spoke in favor of the bill.
03:48:31 PM  
Rocio Franco, Project Protect, spoke in favor of the bill.
03:51:43 PM  
Roberto Meza, Emerald
Greens, spoke in favor of the bill.  He responded to questions from
the committee.
03:54:43 PM  
Luis Murillo, Project Protect, spoke in favor of the bill.
03:58:57 PM  
Valerie Collins, Towards Justice, spoke in favor of the bill.
04:01:55 PM  
Erin Foster-West,
National Young Farmers' Coalition, spoke in favor of the bill.
04:06:19 PM  
Caitlin Matthews, representing herself, spoke in favor of the bill.
04:08:10 PM  
Reverend Allan Cole, representing himself, spoke in favor of the bill.
04:11:20 PM  
Karla Gonzales-Garcia, Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights, spoke in favor of the bill.
04:14:20 PM  
Marilyn Hughes, representing herself, spoke in favor of the bill.
04:17:34 PM  
Claudia Kuhns, representing herself, spoke in favor of the bill.
04:21:35 PM  
Jessica Ramos, representing herself, spoke in favor of the bill.
04:24:41 PM  
Kate Greenberg, Colorado
Agricultural Commissioner, spoke about the bill from an amend position.
 She responded to questions from the committee.
04:28:26 PM  
Brant Harrison, representing
himself, spoke in opposition to the bill. He responded to questions from
the committee.
04:32:37 PM  
David Petrocco, representing himself, spoke in opposition to the bill.
04:51:50 PM  
Mr. Petrocco responded to questions.
05:03:01 PM  
Joseph Petrocco, representing himself, spoke in opposition to the bill. He responded to questions from the committee.
05:17:44 PM  
Amber Strohauer,
Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association, spoke in opposition
to the bill.
05:21:03 PM  
Ryon Sallee, representing
himself, spoke in opposition to the bill.  He responded to questions
from the committee.
05:24:50 PM  
Nancy Roberts, representing herself, spoke in opposition to the bill. She responded to questions from the committee.
05:36:58 PM  
Bonnie Brown, Colorado Wool Growers Association, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:43:09 PM  
Dan Waldvogle, Rocky Mountain Farmers' Union, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:45:44 PM  
Hana Fullmer, Rocky Mountain Farmers' Union, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:48:42 PM  
David Harold, representing himself, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:49:11 PM  
Bruce Talbott, representing himself, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:56:03 PM  
Audrey Rock, representing herself, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:56:36 PM  
Brad Erker, Colorado Association of Wheat Growers, spoke in opposition to the bill.
05:59:11 PM  
Erik Frank, Colorado
Sugarbeet Growers' Association, spoke in opposition to the bill.  He
responded to questions from the committee.
06:07:04 PM  
Amy Kunugi, representing herself, spoke about the bill.
06:12:55 PM  
Senator Danielson
made comments on the merits of the bill.
06:18:51 PM  
Senator Danielson discussed the purpose of Amendment L.006.
06:19:19 PM  
Committee discussion of the proposed amendment ensued.
06:26:05 PM  
Mr. Petrocco responded to questions from the committee.
06:33:57 PM  
Harry Strohauer, representing himself, spoke in opposition to the bill.
06:41:41 PM  
Troy Valentine, representing himself, spoke in favor of the bill.
06:44:49 PM  
Nicole Civita, Project
Protect, spoke in favor of the bill.  She responded to questions from
the committee.
06:44:50 PM  
Additional written
testimony may be found in Attachment J.

06:58:20 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.006
Moved Danielson
Coleman Yes
Kolker Yes
Liston No
Priola Yes
Woodward No
Danielson Yes
Rodriguez Yes
YES: 5   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

06:58:49 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.007
Moved Danielson
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

06:59:17 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.008
Moved Danielson
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

06:59:52 PM
Motion Adopt amendment L.009
Moved Danielson
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
07:00:14 PM  
Senator Danielson made closing comments on the merits of the bill.
07:00:37 PM  
Senator Rodriguez made comments on the bill.

07:05:43 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 21-087, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Danielson
Coleman Yes
Kolker Yes
Liston No
Priola No
Woodward No
Danielson Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Final YES: 4   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

07:06:05 PM   The committee adjourned.

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