Property Valuation
Most real property is reassessed every odd-numbered year. The bill establishes a one-time exception by making the reassessment cycle beginning on January 1, 2021, a 4-year cycle so that the next reassessment cycle will begin in 2025 instead of 2023.
Under current law, for the 2023 property tax year, the actual value used for purposes of valuation for assessment is reduced for commercial real property by $30,000 and for residential real property by $15,000. The bill eliminates these reductions.
The bill also sets the assessment rates for nonresidential real property and multi-family residential real property for the 2024 property tax year, so that they are the same rates as for the 2023 property tax year.
Lastly, the bill ensures that the actual value of property used for purposes of valuation for assessment does not increase by more than 5% between 2022 and 2025, for property that does not have an unusual condition which results in an increase or decrease in actual value.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as introduced.)