Date |
03/13/2018 |
Attendance |
Beckman |
X |
Catlin |
X |
Everett |
X |
Ginal |
* |
Hooton |
X |
Landgraf |
X |
McKean |
X |
Michaelson Jenet |
X |
Pabon |
X |
Pettersen |
X |
Ransom |
X |
Danielson |
X |
Singer |
X |
Time |
01:49:02 PM to 08:13:45 PM |
Place |
RM 271 |
This Meeting was called to order by |
Singer |
This Report was prepared by |
Anne Wallace |
Hearing Items |
Action Taken |
hHB18-1003 |
Amended, referred to House Appropriations |
hHB18-1007 |
Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole |
hHB18-1104 |
Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole |
hHB18-1136 |
Amended, referred to House Appropriations |
hHB18-1177 |
Amended, referred to House Appropriations |
HB18-1003 - Amended, referred to House Appropriations
01:51:35 PM |
Representative Pettersen, bill sponsor, presented House Bill 18-1003 to the committee. The bill does the following:
- establishes the opioid and other substance use disorders study committee;
- specifies that school-based health centers may apply for grants regarding treatment of behavioral health disorders;
- directs the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to award grants for substance abuse sreeening, brief intervention, and referral programs; and
- directs the Center for Research into Substance Use Disorder Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery to develop continuing medical education for prescribers of pain medication.
02:00:29 PM |
Representative Pettersen, bill sponsor, presented House Bill 18-1136 to the committee. The bill adds residential and inpatient substance use disorder services to the Colorado medical assistance program (Medicaid). HCPF must seek and receive federal authroization necessary to secure federal financial partipication in the program.
02:02:36 PM |
Representative Kennedy, bill sponsor, presented House Bill 18-1007 to the committee. This bill makes several changes to payment and coverage for substance use disorder treatment under private health insurance plans and the state Medicaid program.
02:08:52 PM |
Amendment L.001 to HB 18-1007, amendment L.002 to HB 18-1007, and amendment L.010 to HB 18-1003 were distributed to the committee (Attachments A, B, and C). Three handouts were distributed to the committee.
02:09:25 PM |
Representative Singer proceeded with witness testimony for all three bills.
02:13:15 PM |
Jose Esquibel, Office of the Attorney General, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
02:14:33 PM |
Dr. Don Stader, American College of Emergency Physicians and Colorado Medical Society, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
02:19:31 PM |
Dr. Rob Valuck, Colorado Consortium for Drug Abuse Prevention, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
02:24:45 PM |
Representative Pettersen responded to committee questions.
02:29:32 PM |
Representative Kennedy responded to committee questions regarding HB 18-1007.
02:32:08 PM |
Dr. Valuck responded to committee questions.
02:34:31 PM |
Ned Breslin, Tennyson Center for Children,
testified in support of HB 18-1003 and distributed a handout to the committee
(Attachment G). Mr. Breslin responded to committee questions.
02:48:14 PM |
Bethany Pace-Danley, Peer Assistance Services, Inc., testified in support of HB 18-1003 and distributed a handout (Attachment H). Ms. Pace-Danley responded to committee questions.
02:55:10 PM |
Stacy Pettersen, representing herself, testified in support
of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136. Ms. Pettersen responded
to committee questions.
02:59:14 PM |
Cristen Bates, Colorado Department of Human Services, testified in support of HB 18-1003. Ms. Bates responded to committee questions.
03:08:43 PM |
Jeff Jensen, University of Denver, testified
in support of HB 18-1003 and distributed a handout (Attachment J). Mr.
Jenson responded to committee questions.
03:11:22 PM |
Connie Rule, Boys and Girls Clubs Colorado, testified in support of HB 18-1003 and amendments.
03:13:57 PM |
Representative Pettersen distribued and
explained amendment L.001 to HB 18-1003 (Attachment I).
03:17:54 PM |
Representative Pettersen responded to committee questions.
03:24:21 PM |
Trina Faatz, Boulder Court Appointed Special Advocates, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
03:30:07 PM |
Dominique DuBois, iTHRIVE, testified in support of HB 18-1003.
03:35:24 PM |
Ms. Faatz, Ms. DuBois, and Representative Pettersen responded to committee questions.
03:37:36 PM |
Lawrence Wall, representing himself, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
03:49:09 PM |
Moe Keller, Mental Health Colorado, testified
in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
03:53:37 PM |
Bobbi Morrow, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1136 and distributed a handout (Attachment K).
03:59:29 PM |
Amy Petre Hill, Mountain View United Church, testified in support of HB 18-1003 and HB 18-1136.
04:03:48 PM |
Theresa Garcia, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1136.
04:04:38 PM |
Ms. Garcia, Ms. Morrow, and Ms. Petre Hill responded to committee questions.
04:09:50 PM |
Heather Badini, Denver Springs, testified in support of HB 18-1003 and HB 18-1136.
04:15:19 PM |
Amber Burkhart, Colorado Hospital Association, testified in support of HB 18-11136.
04:18:21 PM |
Representative Pettersen distributed amendment L.008 to HB 18-1003 to the committee (Attachment L).
04:19:26 PM |
Frank Cornelia, Colorado Behavioral Health Council, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
04:20:28 PM |
Bethany Pray, Colorado Center on Law and Policy, testified in support of HB 18-1007 and HB 18-1136.
04:27:04 PM |
Mr. Cornelia, Ms. Pray, and Representative Pettersen responded to committee questions.
04:36:24 PM |
Rourke Weaver, Red Rock Recovery, testified
in support of HB 18-1136. Mr. Weaver responded to questions.
04:43:32 PM |
Dr. Michael Stackpool, representing himself, testified in support of HB 18-1007, HB18-1136, and HB18-1003. Dr. Stackpool responded to questions.
04:55:02 PM |
James Gannon, Advocates for Recovery Colorado, testified in support of HB 18-1003 and HB 18-1136.
04:57:28 PM |
Gina Moore, Colorado Pharmacist Society, testified in support of HB 18-1007.
04:58:19 PM |
Bridget Beatty, Colorado Association for School-Based Health Care, testified in support of HB18-1003.
05:05:31 PM |
Amie Baca-Oehlert, Colorado Education Association,
testifed in support of HB 18-1003.
05:06:24 PM |
Erin Miller, Colorado Children's Campaign, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
05:10:29 PM |
Ms. Beatty, Ms. Baca Oehlert, and Ms. Miller responded to committee questions.
05:20:07 PM |
A handout was distributed to the committee
(Attachment M).
05:20:08 PM |
Sarah Mooney, National Alliance on Mental Illness - Colorado, testified in support of HB 18-1007.
05:23:10 PM |
Nancy Steinferth, Liver Health Connection, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
05:29:31 PM |
Danielle Gauna, representing herself, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136. Ms. Gauna responded to committee questions.
05:38:33 PM |
Lisa Raville, the Harm Reduction Action Center, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
05:43:13 PM |
Ms. Raville responded to committee questions.
05:49:15 PM |
Linda Hughes, representing herself, testified regarding HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
06:00:24 PM |
Jeanette Hensley, Colorado Senior Lobby, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
06:04:43 PM |
James Freeman, representing himself, testified in support of HB 18-1136.
06:07:28 PM |
Brian Ferrans, Heath District of Northern Larimer County, testified in support of HB 18-1136. Mr. Ferrans responded to committee questions.
06:20:53 PM |
Lawrence Wall, representing himself, testified in support of HB 18-1003, HB 18-1007, and HB 18-1136.
06:23:54 PM |
Emily Michaels, Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, testified in support of HB 18-1136.
06:36:00 PM
Motion |
This is a conceptual amendment to amendment L.001 (Attachment I), line 6, after "the" insert "Charlie Hughes and Nathan Gauna." |
Moved |
Landgraf |
Seconded |
Pettersen |
Beckman |
Yes |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
Yes |
McKean |
Excused |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
Yes |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
06:38:27 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment I) as amended. |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
Michaelson Jenet |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Everett |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
06:38:28 PM |
Representative Pettersen distributed and described amendment L.006 (Attachment N) to the committee.
06:40:18 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.006 (Attachment N). |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
Ginal |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Everett |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
06:40:19 PM |
Representative Pettersen distributed and described amendment
L.008 (Attachment L) to the committee.
06:47:11 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.008 (Attachment L). |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
Michaelson Jenet |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Everett |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
06:47:12 PM |
Representative Pettersen distributed and described amendment
L.009 to the committee (Attachment O). Bill Zepernick, Legislative
Council Staff, responded to questions regarding amendments to the bill.
06:48:58 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.009 (Attachment O). |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
Michaelson Jenet |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Everett |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Withdrawn |
06:48:59 PM |
Representative Kennedy explained amendment L.010 (Attachment
C). He discussed a conceptual amendment to the amendment.
06:50:00 PM
Motion |
This is a conceptual amendment to amendment L.010 (Attachment C), line 9, after "community" insert "to develop a strategic plan." |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
Ginal |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Excused |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 3 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
06:52:37 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.010 (Attachment C), as amended. |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
Michaelson Jenet |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Everett |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
06:52:38 PM |
Representative Landgraf distributed and explained amendment L.011 (Attachment P) to the committee.
06:55:45 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.011 (Attachment P). |
Moved |
Landgraf |
Seconded |
McKean |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Everett |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Withdrawn |
06:55:46 PM |
Representative Pettersen gave concluding remarks on House Bill 18-1003.
06:58:57 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 18-1003, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
Danielson |
Beckman |
No |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
Yes |
McKean |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
Final |
01:49:46 PM |
Representative Singer called the meeting
to order and went over the agenda for the day. He explained that
HB 18-1003, HB 18-1136, and HB 18-1007 would be described by the bill sponsors
first, and then witness testimony will commence for all three bills.
HB18-1136 - Committee Discussion Only
06:59:07 PM |
Representative Pettersen, bill sponsor,
again presented House Bill 18-1136 to the committee. The bill adds
residential and inpatient substance use disorder services to the Colorado
medical assistance program (Medicaid). HCPF must seek and receive
federal authroization necessary to secure federal financial partipication
in the program.
06:59:08 PM |
Representative Pettersen distributed and explained amendment L.002 (Attachment Q) to the committee.
07:05:33 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.002 (Attachment Q). |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
Michaelson Jenet |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 2 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
07:11:49 PM |
Representative Beckman distribued and explained amendment L.006 (Attachment R) to the committee. Brita Darling, Office of Legislative Legal Services, came to the table to respond to questions about the amendment.
07:16:44 PM |
Committee discussion continued with Ms. Darling on amendment L.006.
07:16:45 PM |
Representative Singer laid over discussion of HB 18-1136 until later in the hearing.
HB18-1007 - Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole
07:24:40 PM |
Representative Kennedy and Representative Singer, bill sponsors,
again presented House Bill 18-1007 to the committee. The bill makes
several changes to payment and coverage for substance use disorder treatment
under private health insurance plans and the state Medicaid program.
07:24:41 PM |
Representative Kennedy explained amendments L.001 and L.002
(Attachment A and B).
07:27:00 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.002 (Attachment B) to amendment L.001 (Attachment A). |
Moved |
Singer |
Seconded |
Michaelson Jenet |
Beckman |
Catlin |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Excused |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 3 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
07:30:03 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment A), as amended. |
Moved |
Singer |
Seconded |
Michaelson Jenet |
Beckman |
Excused |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
Excused |
McKean |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Excused |
Ransom |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
07:30:40 PM |
Representative Singer and Representative Kennedy gave concluding remarks.
07:33:05 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 18-1007, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole. |
Moved |
Singer |
Seconded |
Hooton |
Beckman |
Excused |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
Yes |
McKean |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
Final |
HB18-1104 - Amended, referred to the Committee of the Whole
07:33:59 PM |
Representative Danielson, bills sponsor, presented House
Bill 18-1104 to the committee. The bill establishes procedural safeguards
for parents with disabilities in the context of child welfare, foster care,
family law, guardianship, and adoption. Witness testimony on HB 18-1104
was heard during the February 20, 2018, House Public Health Care and Human
Services Committee meeting.
07:34:41 PM |
Representative Danielson distributed and explained amendments L.010 and L.013 (Attachments S and T) to the committee.
07:40:05 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.013 (Attachment T) to amendment L.010 (Attachment S). |
Moved |
Danielson |
Seconded |
Michaelson Jenet |
Beckman |
Excused |
Catlin |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Hooton |
Landgraf |
McKean |
Michaelson Jenet |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Ransom |
Danielson |
Singer |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 3 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
07:43:25 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.010 (Attachment S), as amended. |
Moved |
Danielson |
Seconded |
Michaelson Jenet |
Beckman |
No |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
Yes |
McKean |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
07:44:05 PM |
Rep. Beckman distributed and explained amendment L.012 (Attachment U) to the committee.
07:44:58 PM |
Rep. Beckman distributed and explained amendment L.012 (Attachment U) to the committee. The amendment was not offered.
07:44:59 PM |
Representative Danielson gave concluding remarks on the bill.
07:48:43 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 18-1104, as amended, to the Committee of the Whole. |
Moved |
Danielson |
Seconded |
Hooton |
Beckman |
Yes |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
Yes |
McKean |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
Final |
HB18-1136 - Amended, referred to House Appropriations
07:51:03 PM |
Committee discussion resumed regarding House Bill 18-1136.
07:52:02 PM |
The committee did not act on amendment L.006 (Attachment R). Representative Beckman distributed and explained amendment L.005 (Attachment V).
07:57:44 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.005 (Attachment V). |
Moved |
Beckman |
Seconded |
McKean |
Beckman |
Yes |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
Yes |
McKean |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
No |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
Yes |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
07:57:45 PM |
Representative Pettersen gave concluding remarks on the bill.
08:00:47 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 18-1136, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Pettersen |
Seconded |
Ginal |
Beckman |
No |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
No |
McKean |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
Final |
HB18-1177 - Amended, referred to House Appropriations
08:01:10 PM |
Representative Michaelson Jenet, bill sponsor, presented House Bill 18-1177. The bill enacts several youth suicide prevention initiatives within the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and makes changes to the age of consent for a minor to seek certain psychotherapy services. Witness testimony was heard on HB 18-1177 during the March 9, 2018, House Public Health Care and Human Services Committee meeting.
08:01:11 PM |
Representative Michaelson Jenet distributed and explained amendments L.007 and L.004 (Attachments W and X) to the committee.
08:05:57 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.007 (Attachment W) to amendment L.004 (Attachment X). |
Moved |
Michaelson Jenet |
Seconded |
Ginal |
Beckman |
No |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
No |
McKean |
No |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
08:07:06 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.004 (Attachment X), as amended. |
Moved |
Michaelson Jenet |
Seconded |
Ginal |
Beckman |
No |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
No |
McKean |
No |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
08:07:08 PM |
Representative Michaelson Jenet gave concluding remarks on the bill.
08:07:36 PM |
Committee members commented on the bill.
08:13:34 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 18-1177, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Michaelson Jenet |
Seconded |
Hooton |
Beckman |
No |
Catlin |
Yes |
Everett |
Excused |
Ginal |
Yes |
Hooton |
Yes |
Landgraf |
No |
McKean |
No |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Pabon |
Excused |
Pettersen |
Yes |
Ransom |
No |
Danielson |
Yes |
Singer |
Yes |
Final |
08:13:45 PM |
Committee Adjourned |