2012 Lower North Fork Wildfire Commission Final Report
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Lower North Fork Wildfire Commission.
First Regular Session | 75th General Assembly
Colorado General AssemblyFinal Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Lower North Fork Wildfire Commission.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Health Benefit Exchange Implementation Review Committee.
Pursuant to House Joint Resolution 13-1019. The purpose of this committee is to examine and make recommendations on current laws, procedures, and practices for the appointment of counsel, advisement of rights, and waivers of counsel for children in juvenile delinquency court.
Pursuant to Section 31-31-1001, C.R.S. The purpose of the committee is to study and develop proposed legislation relating to funding of police officers' and firefighters' pensions in this state and the benefit designs of such pension plans.
Final Report to the Colorado General Assembly by the Legislative Health Benefit Exchange Implementation Review Committee.
Pursuant to Interim Committee Letter 2014-6. The purpose of this committee is to evaluate and make recommendations regarding appropriate uses of sales tax revenue generated by recreational marijuana sales in Colorado.
Pursuant to Section 31-31-2001, C.R.S. The purpose of this commission is to study and review the benefit systems of the Fire and Police Pension Association.
During the 2023 legislative session the General Assembly considered several measures related to energy and natural resources including clean energy; wildfire; and going green at home.
During the 2023 legislative session, the General Assembly examined a number of measures related to civil law. Specifically, the legislature passed bills that made changes to consumer protections, asset forfeiture, and reproductive and civil rights.
During the 2023 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12) education in Colorado.
The General Assembly addressed a number of bills related to human services and various children and domestic matters, including the establishment and preservation of “family time” and improving services offered to children and youth.
This memorandum provides an organizational structure of the staff of the Colorado legislature.
This memorandum summarizes the primary funding changes for school finance that were enacted during the 2023 legislative sessions.
Colorado’s population reached nearly 5.8 million according to the 2020 census, a 14.8 percent increase from 2010. For those joining the influx of new people moving to the Centennial State, this issue brief outlines best practices for establishing residency, applying for state...
As outlined in...
This memorandum is intended for use by policymakers, legislative drafters, and budget analysts to understand the different funding mechanisms that may be used in legislation. It describes how different funding mechanisms in legislation impact the state budget and how they are shown in fiscal...
This memorandum summarizes the primary funding changes for school finance that were enacted during the 2023 legislative sessions.
This document provides a summary of major 2014 elections legislation.
The 2023 Colorado General Assembly considered a range of election bills related to the funding and administration of elections, recalls and vacancies, and voting systems.
During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several measures related to election administration, election audits, ballot access, candidates and campaigns, and redistricting.
During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly considered several energy‑related measures. These bills addressed the Public Utilities Commission’s operations, the Colorado Energy Office’s funding, renewable energy, electricity generation, transmission and use, and oil and gas.
The General Assembly considered a number of measures in 2023 regulating alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, and gaming.
Report No. 2023-TE19
Report No. 2019-TE5
Note: A more recent evaluation was issued in December 2023. Click HERE to access the December 2023 report.