Reclaimed Water Use For Toilet Flushing
Water quality - reclaimed domestic wastewater - allowable uses - toilet flushing - rules - appropriation. The act codifies rules promulgated by the water quality control commission of the Colorado department of public health and environment concerning allowable uses of reclaimed domestic wastewater, which is wastewater that has been treated for subsequent reuses other than drinking water.
Section 3 of the act defines 3 categories of water quality standards for reclaimed domestic wastewater, sets forth the allowable uses for each water quality standard category, and adds toilet and urinal flushing in multifamily residential and nonresidential structures as allowable uses for reclaimed domestic wastewater. Section 3 also authorizes the commission to establish new categories of water quality standards and to recategorize any use of reclaimed domestic wastewater to a less stringent category of water quality standard. The commission may develop more stringent standards by rule if it determines that the existing standards and categories are not protective of public health and identifies a specific health risk posed by the use of reclaimed domestic wastewater under the existing standards. Section 3 also authorizes the division of administration in the department of public health and environment, after conducting a public stakeholders' process, to develop policy, guidance, or best management practices for use of reclaimed domestic wastewater. Finally, section 3 authorizes the division to grant variances for uses of reclaimed domestic wastewater.
Section 5 authorizes the state plumbing board to promulgate rules governing the installation and inspection of toilet and urinal systems and structures for which reclaimed domestic wastewater is used.
Section 6 appropriates $25,054 in the 2018-19 fiscal year from the general fund to the department of public health and environment to implement the act.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)